Long-Distance Support

  • The geographical context of reference is the Peruvian region of Loreto, province Alto Amazonas, Peru. The project involves children from three territories along the river Paranapura: Yurimaguas, San Gabriel de Varadero and Balsapuerto. Dedicated to Gianni Astrei, pediatrician who tragically died in 2009. Project Life was created to help children with significant psycho-motor disabilities. In […]

  • In the municipality of Odorheiu Secuiesc, in Transylvania, about 300 kilometers from Bucharest, the Sisters of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart take care of more than 150 children and young people in difficult situation, from different ethnic groups or religions, in the family home “San Giuseppe”. The structure was donated by the Swiss humanitarian […]

  • The word Tainos is the name of an ancient and peaceful Indian tribe, native of the Dominican Republic. The name Seeds of Peace took inspiration from this tribe. The social and territorial context is extremely poor and degraded. Los Paralejos, in Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic is an example of this very difficult […]

  • There are two child sponsorship projects that Seeds of Peace sustains in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The first is in partnership with the Congregation of the Daughters of the Passion of Jesus Christ and Mary Dolorosa. Through this project, a community was founded in 2002 in the capital Kinshasa, and the “House Mom of […]

  • The Town Hall of Puruagua, in the state of Guanajuato, is a small rural community, characterized by a strong lack of jobs: men without a job are forced to emigrate to the United States, often illegally. Women and children are victims of sexual and physical abuse. Due to this dramatic state of poverty, parents force […]

  • Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are two typical states of southern India characterized, as well as the rest of the country, by a large ethnic pluralism, religious, linguistic difference, which is still struggling to find a balanced integration. One of the most serious problems is the division into castes, where women are still considered in an […]

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